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Joanna black hair poked gently Juan : cheap nike shoes like like. Joanna said they had gone to the clothes, Joanna Juan slapped open the claws : good point, cheap nike free to take a bath. He then played a body, and walked toward the bathroom, and then he turned his body, put a finger into his mouth, and slowly allow suck, very charming. Juan was about to get up with the past, Joanna put your finger directed at Juan Baile Bai, then chuckled and disappeared behind the door. What a fairy ah Juan shook his head. Ji boss remembered to bring a gift, ah, yes, Juan think in the end what gift to give to Joanna.

By the time Joanna must be very happy. 're Thinking it,nike free, Joanna had finished bath. Standing on the bed, and slowly took off his bathrobe, exposing the inside of sexy lingerie, then a stand up, ride directly Juan who said: like it. Juan looked conspire wrapped himself in front of the chest, two soft white transparent lingerie, Leng Leng said : Yes. Joanna said: Victoria's Secret. Then nature is something spared. But tonight, Juan finally stood up and sat a master, and finally a little sorry hearts disappeared coach factory without a trace.Such as Juan woke up after ten o'clock. Hurry brushing teeth, open the notebook, directly on the English dog, search on the television to see the kind of monkeys under the original name of this monkey capuchin monkeys, docile, gentle personality is like. Then search for the next New York Which pet shops sell these monkeys, direct election of the nearest pet shop, straight away. To the pet store, the clerk walked with Juan looked around a bit, there are a dozen large and small, such a capuchin monkey.

Juan looked around a dozen monkeys, went to a cage inside a small monkey clinging to the railing watching Juan, his mouth issued gently hoarse ( ah the second tone ) sounds hoarse, with a finger of God cheap nike free head into touch not angry, Juan for the clerk said : it would have to had it. Juan clerk smiled and said: This is just a small one -year-old male monkey, good character, but the former are not familiar with, do not release the cage, and so became familiar cheap nike free since there is no problem. Clerk removed the monkey, Juan ready to be put in the hands of one of a small cage, after checkout, Juan also helped put the cage on a taxi, that attitude can not say.

