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Just punishment day siege of the army fired the next day, people in town will barely, lead bribed several officials who guard the gates of the night to open the gates trying to fish in troubled waters by night to escape Wuchang Tainan, this way, it is so much noise in the city heart of chaos, the first not only not Wuchang garrison surrendered, but rather to be regarded as the king of Chu Xinjun rely on a group of soldiers in the September 16 morning, suddenly launched an attack of the fake ray bans Army scored strapped up, crashing open security doors east, where the group already Hou Xing Tian Ma Ying soldiers into the city.

Chu Yan Palace Eliot and lieutenant Cuiwen Rong Xu after school got the news, but also quickly organized to rush to the east trying to intercept the king Fu Bing Xing Tian Jun, regain security door, then immediately within the gates of the two armies launched a war. Advance into the city, a man named Liu Yao Feng west of the men 's camp will, also a juvenile camp early origin, fake ray ban sunglasses led troops reached the gates after, first under rebel fit, seizing the gate, firmly the area under control of the gates, and personally put a knife stuck in the road within the gates, led his troops and government troops fight to the death to come to intercept cheap ray bans.

The advance into the city of Frederick West through his troops less than five hundred people, then hang the gate area, kept fighting back with a fowling piece, to prevent government troops counterattack, pikemen lined streets above, knives player then stood in front, endured wave after wave of government troops counterattack, handguns hand while climbing on the roof or is boarded walls, to prevent government troops counterattack from both ends of the walls. Armies fight is unusual intense, von West- led troops repulsed the teenager in a row after government troops counterattack several times, all around the Guards were killed, and cheap ray bans he is charged with hit several places, covered with bloody but still fight to the death to reclaim shuaibing so that subsequent criminal days soldier horse to ride into the city, consolidate lived gates area, the city government troops began to counterattack.

