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However, a pre- exist in the domain so mysterious land of temples, thunderous afraid to look down upon. The two wooden doors, rattling blowing snow, ready to fall apart in general. Door a little rotten, you can vaguely see the temple scene through the cracks, no thunderous rush forward, looked carefully through the cracks. Brightly lit inside the temple, there is dim light, according to a small temple was brightly lit. toms outlet Eyes squint at Ray Wong eye gaze, looked again, but, seemingly ordinary extremely broken doors, even with magic power, stop the thunderous peep, see is still a few gaps in the doors, there are gaps after revealing the scene.

XiaoShuoMi. Mixed in the " chaos " of the collar,toms on sale, thunderous walk, walk inside, look around from time to time, have observed, there is appreciation, there are many variations, the mood slightly relaxed. God 's domain has not yet come to die, not much time left to thunderous, only this time, have a chance to relax, once mixed with " chaos " of the collar fell, rolling war, all kinds of dangerous, fallen crisis come at any time, that is the most horrible, hard to detect, the need to improve the extremely cautious. Mixed " chaos " of the collar touches different here though is fragmented small world, but outside the law and without the slightest different, but bound less practice here, much easier.

